Commercial quality, fully customised wall coverings can look sensational but come at a price. Thanks to Voodoo DesignWorks, it’s a price businesses can afford.
Instead of hoping you find the right wall covering off-the-shelf or in-the-sheds, why not consider something totally customised and made for you and you alone? You can have any colour, pattern or picture you want. Countless textures too. We’ll design, print and install or leave installation to your contractor or facilities management if you prefer.
It’s all very easy. We’ll produce a visual representing your design for comment and approval. We’ll make any corrections you need and then produce the wall covering for you. We offer wet-pasted products, pressure-sensitive adhesive coverings and more. The effect is always stunning.
That wall’s just waiting for the Voodoo DesignWorks’ treatment. It’s going to totally transform your space. Go for it.




Let’s send you a brochure…
It’s amazing what the Voodoo DesignWorks could do for you. It’s all in our brochure and we have one with your name on it.

Q: What are custom wall coverings and wall papers?
A: That’s simple. Bespoke wall coverings and wall papers are just like the wallpaper you might buy from a commercial supplier or get in one of the out-of-town sheds, but they feature designs that are yours alone.
The design can be there to reflect your ambient decor or, because of the way the origination is handled, you could have any picture, pattern or colour that you like or that we can design for you.
Custom wall coverings are functionally identical to conventional ones though they can be printed sub-surface so that they are extremely tough and survive aggressive cleaning that would destroy ordinary wall paper.

Q: How exactly are these bespoke wall coverings made?
A: We start with a blank stock and that may be plastics, textured paper, woven supported media or some other type of web. That material is loaded into a special wide-format printer and the design we have agreed is sent to it. The printed material emerges dry and ready to use after trimming.
Some materials we print on can have a second material laminate over the top of the image. That means it’s protected. That material can have a nice texture which enhances the product further still.
Because the origination that goes into manufacture is digital, you don’t have to order huge volumes of material to make the cost work for you. Compared to other quality wall coverings, you’ll be agreeably surprised how economical our custom coverings are.
Let’s Connect…
Book an online presentation and discussion with us at a time that suits you.
Voodoo-Connect delivers a live, broadcast-quality video and audio presentation and discussion from us to you and its streamed live right to your desktop and as many people as you need to invite. We can discuss your project, you can all see our samples, tour our facility and more – no need for a camera at your end because we don’t see you or your colleagues.
Voodoo Connect – It’s a great way for us all to discuss your project live and the quality is simply amazing.
Book your appointment now.
Q: Where can your custom and bespoke wall coverings be used?
A: Bespoke wallpaper and custom wall coverings work anywhere you’d use regular wallpaper and look so much better than paint. Shops, schools, pubs and restaurants all have plenty of opportunities to make the most from custom wall coverings.
Because we can print on very tough materials, the areas of application that you might not consider suitable for wallpaper might be fine for one of our products. They have even been used to great effect outdoors.
If you’ve found us because you’re looking for a custom decor solution for your business, the options we can offer are so many and various, we’d suggest talking your project through with us. There’s lots of ways to connect with Voodoo:
Chat to us online now…
There’s no time like the present. You can chat with us online right now or leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re available.

Working with Voodoo DesignWorks
Voodoo is an affordable and very capable designer, manufacturer and installer of commercial wall coverings for businesses. It costs nothing at all to explore your options with Voodoo and there’s lots of ways to do that:
You can call us on 01454 202070
We can call you.
We can set up a one-to-one or one-to-many online broadcast to show you what we do – you see us, but we don’t see you.
We can send you a brochure that tells you a little more about us.
We can assemble a custom information pack for you if you tell us a little about your needs.
Voodoo DesignWorks is at your disposal. We’ll make distinctive and individually designed wallpaper for your enterprise – and we’ll do so at a price that leaves change on the table.
Let’s get in touch…
If you’re ready to discuss your project we’re ready to listen. Let’s get your ideas on the table and move your sign project forward.