You’d never know it, but there’s a lot of engineering effort wrapped up in the making of fabricated signing, lettering and logos. Leave that to us though.
We can fabricate lettering and logos from all manner of plastics, metals and woods. We can bring material into unlikely sounding alliances. We can throw in energy efficient lighting if that’s what the application demands too. Fabrication is a craft based skill. Give that a bit of help with technology and great things happen.
There are hundreds of ways to put fabricated elements together. Each has its attractions and its specific appeal. Voodoo DesignWorks knows them all and has the smarts needed to invent something special if you need it.
Let’s get this project moving. Bespoke signing at its very best is a lot more affordable than you may think. At least it is from Voodoo DesignWorks.




Let’s send you a brochure…
It’s amazing what the Voodoo DesignWorks could do for you. It’s all in our brochure and we have one with your name on it.

Q: What are fabricated signs, lettering and logos?
A: Fabricated signs, lettering and logos are assemblies made from bespoke and custom manufactured component parts. These parts are built into finished signs that reflect the design origins of the logos and trading styles they promote. Colours, shapes and layout are all faithfully executed.
Fabrication technique and materials confer an enormous range of options upon any project that involves signage fabrication. Our craftspeople know and exercise them all. We build signs that are highly individual works of engineering art. We’re proud of what we make and what it makes possible for the businesses that come to us.
A fabricated sign represents the pinnacle of our output. It exercises every skill in the book and our powers of problem solving, our faculty for invention and our creativity. That’s what a fabricated sign is. Just wait ’til you experience what it does for your business or enterprise.

Q: How are fabricated signs lettering and logos made?
Under the creative exterior of all fabricated lettering, logos and signage is a structure derived of engineering art. It may be welded, glued or formed. It may be laser cut, routed, carved or engraved. It may derive its structural integrity from a massively built armature or elements in tension and compression working with each other.
We make fabricated signage from simple built-up-letters and logos to fully construct structures using specified materials and according to statutory requirements. Fabricated signage is complex. Dealing with Voodoo isn’t. Make it with us, don’t make it harder than it needs to be.
We build signage where and when needed with partial assembly on site being possible if needs dictate. We make things in ways others might not in order to achieve a solution reflecting our customers’ needs and the extent to which we’re innovating. Bring your ideas to Voodoo and we’ll engage. We like to find a way.
Let’s Connect…
Book an online presentation and discussion with us at a time that suits you.
Voodoo-Connect delivers a live, broadcast-quality video and audio presentation and discussion from us to you and its streamed live right to your desktop and as many people as you need to invite. We can discuss your project, you can all see our samples, tour our facility and more – no need for a camera at your end because we don’t see you or your colleagues.
Voodoo Connect – It’s a great way for us all to discuss your project live and the quality is simply amazing.
Book your appointment now.
Q: Where can fabricated signs, lettering and logos be used?
Cost and complexity will limit the venues for fabricated signs. There’s no getting away from it, such creations will come at a price. Hold it right there though. With Voodoo DesignWorks onside, the scary price tickets others may have put in front of you suddenly look a lot more appealing. That means you can use fabricated signs solutions in more places.
Fabricated signage, lettering and logos work anywhere there’s a place to identify, a business to promote or an audience to inform. They work in places you’d never dream of too – is that a sign or is it a work for corporate art? Voodoo knows.
Fact is, we can build signage that works anywhere there are people to be seen and respond to it. Let’s not limit the conversation. Nothing is out of bounds when you come to Voodoo DesignWorks with needs and ideas. Getting started is easy and costs nothing. Read on.
Chat to us online now…
There’s no time like the present. You can chat with us online right now or leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re available.

Working with Voodoo DesignWorks
Voodoo is an affordable and very capable designer, manufacturer and installer of fabricated signs lettering and logos. It costs nothing at all to explore options with Voodoo and there’s lots of ways to do that:
You can call us on 01454 202070
We can call you.
We can set up a one-to-one or one-to-many online broadcast to show you what we do – you see us, but we don’t see you.
We can send you a brochure that tells you a little more about us.
We can assemble a custom information pack for you if you tell us a little about your needs.
Voodoo DesignWorks is at your disposal. We’ll make the Perspex sign you need – at a price you can afford.
Let’s get in touch…
If you’re ready to discuss your project we’re ready to listen. Let’s get your ideas on the table and move your sign project forward.